Yesterday, CNN Opened a Whole New Field of #FakeNews: Fake Remote Medical DiagnosisRead more here.
Yesterday CNN, a degenerate den of #FakeNews addicts who can't stop sucking the pipe, claimed that Trump definitely had heart disease based on a guideline that "some" cardiologists use to predict future heart disease.
It was typical CNN.
In the comments, Harry Paratestes wrote,
I'd be embarrassed if I were this doctor.
I mean, seriously, dude, don't you have some professional pride in yourself? Do you really want to be known as the "gun for hire" over at the failing CNN who is just there to help them goose their ratings? Especially by putting your professionalism on the line by giving remote second opinions contrary to what his primary care physician and the govt's doctor have both said?
Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious commented,
Gupta rockets into the lead for the 2018 FNM awards!!!
FenelonSpoke linked to this cartoon.